We’re all made up of the same energy

My first trip to Sedona, AZ reminded me heavily of energy and vibrations due to the powerful energy vortex’s out in Sedona. We’re all electrical. We’re all made up of the same energy, each and everyone of us. YOU ARE A WALKING MIRACLE. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be transferred. The same energy that is God, that is me, that is trees, that is the floor you stand on, is also YOU.

The Law of Magnetism says that we can only attract the same kind of energy that we put out.  It’s based on the quantum-physical principle that everything- including every person- projects this power. The universe is filled with vibrations that scientists call “strings” of energy. It moves within us, from us and all around us, literally all the time. Whether we are aware of it or not, each of us is a part of a vast exchange and expansion of this force (energy) that takes place in the universe every moment of every day.

The people and situations that match those signals are the ones that will tune in to us and be drawn into our life experience.

Each one of us is like a little radio station, constantly broadcasting signals about ourselves and our life.  The people and situations that match those signals are the ones that will tune in to us and be drawn into our life experience. This is how I ended up here. In truth, what we call chemistry — whether it’s romantic or professional– is actually more of a resonance, a matching of signals and personal vibrations.

What you allow to flow into you, will in fact, affect your vibrational frequency.

I cannot express how important it is to choose good environments/atmospheres, people, activities, food music and most importantly, THOUGHTS that make you feel good. Practice this in order to protect your energy and your vibration. What you allow to flow into you, will in fact, affect your vibrational frequency. WHY ? Because everything is energy, so what you feed yourself with (NOT JUST FOOD) affects your vibrational frequency. Listening to music about killing people emits a low vibration which you are then absorbing through your ears. Hanging out with people who bring you down, eating junk food, all these things that we do are either raising or lowering our vibrational frequencies.  

To protect your energy start asking yourself the right questions. Is this making me better? How is this helping me evolve? Is this influencing me in a positive way? Does this make me feel good? Is this true to who I am? Does this serve me? The right questions will provide you with the right answers to reassure you you’re protecting your energy in a way that aligns with who you truly are. I apply this not only when I’m traveling, but also in all areas and aspects of my life.


Choose to feed your mind, body, and soul with ALL things that make you feel GOOD. Every one of us wants to feel HAPPY, so let us responsibly feed ourselves with things that help us to achieve a higher state of bliss and internal everlasting happiness. THE FOCUS IS TO FEEL GOOD. Of course you’re not going to feel good ALL THE TIME, nobody does. Focus on the feeling, the feeling is the most important thing. 

I encourage you to do something new today that makes you feel good. I hope you learned something valuable that you can take with you into the real world!